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Temple B'nai Or High Holy Day 2024/5785 Guest & Non-Member Ticket Pass One ticket pass gives the attendee access to all in-person and online services for which the attendee is registered and qualifies. TICKET PURCHASES FOR YOM KIPPUR WILL CLOSE AT 5 PM TONIGHT. SHANAH TOVA! $180.00
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High Holy Day Appeal 2024/5785 Your donation is part of our general giving campaign, making it possible for us to successfully pay those things that dues and fees do not cover. Other Add to cart
Mishkan HaNefesh (High Holy Days Prayer Books) A two-volume set for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, either for your personal use or to donate back to the Temple. If you are making it a donation, please answer the question below. We have books available immediately, if you would like to use them during Rabbi's Elul classes, Praying with Intention. $44.00 Add to cart
High Holy Days Yizkor Book: New Listings Would you like to honor and remember your loved ones in our Yizkor book? It will be used at Yom Kippur and throughout the year during Yizkor Services. If you were not in last year's book, you can add to the book here. Donation is $18 per line (single or couple's name, e.g Igor Samuels (single) or Igor and Fannie Samuels (couple)) in the Yizkor Book. $18.00 Add to cart
Lulav & Etrog Order your Lulav & Etrog to make your holiday of Sukkot more meaningful. Deadline is October 1st. $44.00 Add to cart
Torah Explorers Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur Fun holiday activity, story, and age appropriate prayer to introduce your littles (under 5) to the HHD, 5 pm Erev Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. At least one of your children must be under 5 for you to attend this free program. Registering for this program does not provide entrance to the High Holy Day services. Please use the ticket link elsewhere on this page to get those tickets. $0.00 Add to cart